The One Where She Talks About A Table




How is your Saturdays eve’s eve going? I’m hoping great and good things are happening for you, my friend.

So yesterday was a bit of a funky day. I woke up late, and then was just in a mood. I got my work out in, but waited forever to go walking and didn’t write. Which is against my rules. When I finally did “sit down to write”, it was about 10:00 pm. So instead I found a new artist to listen to named Lesley Pike, after hearing her duet with CT’s Ryan Kelly.

Also, I moved my table yesterday when I cleaned house. I live in a camper, so this was fairly easy to do. I have been using that table as a writing desk. It was over by the big front window, where I could look out and daydream, ahem, I mean think.

There was a outlet a little to my right. Because of that, I could also plug my phone in right beside me when I wore down the battery from playing too much music, and continue listening. My notebook and calendar were right behind me on the kitchen cabinet. It was a perfect set up.

Then I moved the table, because I get really tired of having things the same for too long. How’s that for irony!! Now the table is on the other side of the room. There are NO plug ins on that side of the camper. And the more comfortable spot is with my back to the door. Anyone who has ever watched the Godfather knows, you sit where you can see the everloving door.

No, I’m not going to write an entire blog post about a table. Although I can feel and appreciate your hugs in my distress. I do think at times, that our brains get so wired in on one way to do things. We don’t even try anything new, because we know we can’t do it, we’ve already convinced our selves that it won’t work.

This post is being written standing at the kitchen cabinet, in between getting babies lunches and changing hineys. My last two weeks of blog posts were written sitting at that table, by the big window. Does that mean that the only spark of creativity I had sits at that table? Yes.

Totally kidding. True creativity is found wherever you are. Wherever you decide to think, draw, write, create, mold, inspire, sing, or capture your thoughts is where it resides. But it is all up to you. There’s no secret formula. No magic spell. No waiting till New Years. No putting it off until Monday.

There is just you. On a Thursday in April. Starting. Creating. Deciding. So quit thinking about whatever your “table” is. Let it go, and get your life on.

Well, save me a Diet Coke (my little neighborhood store was out :(). Blessings and peace!


Tweet me up, Scotty. And may the Facebook be with you!

About Helen Heard

Hi!! Come on in, take the comfy chair, have a Diet Coke. Let's talk about Jesus, writing, music, family, and which M&Ms are the best (peanut of course)!
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